Monday, September 19, 2016

Scanner As Camera

The Scanner as Camera assignment consisted of arranging objects on a scanner to create photographic images.

 I really like the simplicity of this image and I think it captures my personality well at the same time.

 The image above was the most difficult to create. The exposure was long, and to keep still the entire time was difficult. I took many scans that ended up with a bit of movement before I got this one. I still wish I would have been able to get my arm more flat on the scanner, but if I did that the tattoo would distort itself and ultimately I decided that it was best to not have the arm completely flat and have the tattoo look normal.


  1. I like the second to last image. It came out really clearly and I appreciate the work it took to get it to come out that way! I also like how clear your bracelet and tattoo came out, they really describe you.

  2. I love the last image. I feel like what a person wears for jewelry says a lot about them and can be a story all in itself. There's so many questions I want to ask you just by looking at all the things you wear and carry with you all day everyday.

  3. The jewelry image has my vote for the colors and textures

  4. I like the last one because I like the color of it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I like the one of your hand the best. It is simple and beautiful.

  7. I like the final image. the colors and textures really play well together especially with the composition

  8. I like the first one. I think the photo and dreamcather put together looks well.

  9. I like the first one. I think the photo and dreamcather put together looks well.

  10. The one of the hand is my favorite. Its very simple but I love the lighting.

  11. Love the last one. The colors show up against the black and even more so when enlarged. Your design is pleasing, and the subject, bracelets, charms, necklaces and the ubiquitous (and colorful) phone go well together.

  12. I definitely like the first scan. The photograph of the horse is amazing. It draws you into the collage.

  13. I think the third image would make for a great cyannotype because of the contrays of the paper and the jewelery.

  14. I think the third image would make for a great cyannotype because of the contrays of the paper and the jewelery.
